Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Life Plans

I've made a decision. I am not staying at this same school next semester. I honestly do not think I will be able to take another 5 months of screaming, misbehaving kids. BUT, I am at least partially open to switching schools. I have talked with a few other people from my program at other schools and asking what their situations are like. For the most part, it seems that their kids are more behaved than mine are. I have a couple of requirements before I make a decision on whether or not I would like to stay. First, I NEED to have younger kids, at primary level or lower. That way, if they are bad, at least its fun and I can just give them a coloring book and they will be glued to their seats. Second, I would like to be in the Bangkok area. I need a city life. Having nothing to do here during the weekdays is starting to really take a toll on me. I just have nothing to do once I get home from school and end up sitting around for a good 8 or 9 hours. And finally, I need to be placed at a school with other teachers. I cannot be on my own. I only seem my roommate for about 2 hours at the end of the day, because he teaches university and his classes go later. More than anything, I just need some basic human interaction with other English speakers. However, even if i find another school that suits these needs, I am not necessarily going to stay. This is where I would like all of you guys to pitch in. Please leave a comment and let me know what you personally think is the right decision for me to do. Stay in Thailand or come home to America? I realize most of you don't really know my situation or what it's like here, but I'm just asking a basic question on what you think you would do, or what you think would be best for me. I've got lots of thinking to do, and I need some advice from my friends. I need to make this decision very soon, so help me out! What should I do???

I reread this post and it comes off like I am absolutely miserable here. This is not true! I really love Thailand and I'm having a great time here, I'm just not crazy about the teaching part of it. I just wanted to make that clear, carry on.


  1. i think you should go home, why stay if you dont like it...

  2. Ilan,
    Teaching is not easy. It is way more than standing in front of a class and spitting out information. Think about how you learn best and be that kind of a teacher. If you want it to be fun, you must make it fun. Interactive and hands on. Go on the internet and look for creative ways to teach English to kids learning it as a second language. There are lots of ideas out there. Also, teach what you know. You know art. Think of ways to teach through art. You need to figure out ways to make it interesting and fun for you while you are there. That will translate to the students. Remember, not all lessons are successful. Also, one most important thing. If you don't really like the kids, teaching will remain drudgery. The most successful teachers love the kids and are truely interested in their well being and education!

  3. Bro-

    No pain no gain, right? You're still only in the second month of teaching and are probably just starting to get the hang of it. Takes time! It is a major adjustment, but I really think that it will get more enjoyable with time. From the sound of this post I think the biggest problem is the fact that you're lacking human interaction, and becoming painfully bored after school lets out. School will seem more tolerable if you had something to look forward to when you came home, so definitely do some more investigating about switching schools. You're there! in Thailand!(come here often?) its what you've wanted for so long. Make the best of it, and continue to think positively.

    So I say stay.

    your favorite sis,


  4. Lani--

    I agree with Tal, I think that you should look into switching schools to one that has more teachers on your program, and with younger kids if thats what you want! Don't give up!! America is boring, trust me. You're in Thailand!! And don't worry, Smelly is being well cared for. Right now she is cuddled up on my bed with her paw covering her adorable little face!!

    Moral of the story: I say stay

    Love your actual favorite sis,

  5. Hi roomie!! This is yaysmell.

    My personal opinion is that if you aren't absoloutely LOVING it... why stay?? I think one semester is enough time to get an idea of what it is like to live in Thailand and you will still have had an amazing and unforgettable experience. But if you don't want to stay in Thailand, there are a million other places that you could travel to before you go back to America, like lets say... Israel!! So if you feel like you've gotten enough out of Thailand and its starting to get a little boring, I think you should move on and continue traveling to other places.

    Love the one and ONLY favorite sister.... YAEL!

    P.S. Have you noticed that all the comments on this blog are from family members??

  6. We love you the most!

  7. i think you should come to israel and hang out with your hermano, and we can have all the brother brother nights in the world!!!

  8. Ilan! Do you have to decide now? Can you see where they place you and if they can meet your reqs and then decide? On the one hand, even if you don't stay you would have had a really solid amount of time there and a genuine Thai experience. You could come home and see all of us or travel a couple more months. On the other hand, you are only young once!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. ive always found experiences abroad have their ups and downs, and its easy to get caught up in the negative. i would try and stick it out for another few weeks, and if you still feel so unhappy then try and arrange switching. if after THAT youre still not comfortable/happy, then it just might not be the experience for you...no shame in that! go TRAVEL!

  11. hi ilan! maya here. i vote you should stay! things are always hard in the beginning and often times the first few months of an experience are spent settling in and adjusting to a new way of life, new job and new place. a few months is not a very long time. look at this as a challenge that you have to overcome by becoming a better teacher and meeting more English speaking people or befriending Thai people. this always happens to me too -- the first few months I am anxious about things but after a while you start adjusting and overcoming the initial problems. you are only going to live in thailand once (maybe?)! it is same old, same old here in america! what are you in a hurry to get back for? hamburgers?
    good luck with your decision!
    best wishes,
