Thursday, February 4, 2010

"I Like Game Computer, Because it is Funny"

I have been giving an oral speaking test this whole week and the title of this post is the most popular response amongst these little monsters. They like to play computer games because it is funny... not because it is fun. Because it is funny. I ask them, "What's so funny about it?" They just stare at me, mutter something in Thai, which I'm still trying to figure out. I think its something like "Arai Mai," but who can be sure. They usually then just start laughing and I stare at them like they are crazy. I get some weird looks in return, and sometimes we have awkward staring contests.

I got the computer game answer when I asked my 9th grade students what their favorite thing to do during the day is, and why?

Some other popular answers I'd get were:

Where do you want to travel to and, why?-- "I want go to Paris, to see tower Eifel."


If you are sick, what should you do?-- " Go to doctor, drink water."

I think all the students just overheard other students talking and memorized what to say. I don't think many of them actually knew what they were saying. Whenever I tried to ask them an additional question, the awkward staring contest resulted. They had no idea. I realized how very little English these kids actually know. But then again, I also realized how much English the good students know. The one's who pay attention and who participate in class, their hard work is paying off, so good for them. At least I'm making some progress with some of these kids.

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